Dodge Ram HID projector headlights install Drive safe at night!
2005 BMW330ci angel eyes and Quad projector setup
2005 BMW 330ci angel eyes and Quad projector setup Just a quick job. We upgraded the stock projectors and installed some angel eyes on this car.
Honda Prelude retrofit headlights TEASER
Honda Prelude retrofit headlights with LED inner glow for projectors Morimoto Mini G8 H1 3,0″
Retrofit projectors for Honda Civic (Acura 1.7EL FX-R)
Retrofit projectors Retro setup – FXR hid projectors – Apolo shroud/bezels – Philips 85122 4300k bulbs – Matsushita gen 3 potted ballasts
Chevrolet Cobalt SS custom retrofit projectors installed
Chevrolet Cobalt SS custom retrofit projectors